Announcing Flurfunk

Flurfunk, a simple Twitter-like service for small teams, is now open source.

We created Flurfunk because we wanted an internal timeline where we could:

  • post interesting links
  • have small discussions
  • see commits, monitoring messages and build-reports all in one place

Many teams use IRC for this kind of internal communication, but Flurfunk has a few advantages:

  • easy to set up
  • a clean web interface
  • a REST API
  • channels (not the same as IRC-channels)

We are open sourcing it because we think it might be useful for other teams.

There is a server, a web client and a very flexible bot based on Apache Camel. We are also working on a Mac client, which will be released as soon as it’s “good enough”.

Check out the demo (webmobile), and if you like what you see, set up your own instance.

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